이 정문(旌門)은 이의정의 충절(忠節)을 기리기 위하여 세운 것이다. 이의정은 본관(本貫)이 여주 하음(河陰)으로 고려후기 이규보의 팔대손이고 , 이조판서 장(墻)의 손이며, 율곡 이이 문하에서 수업하였다. 그는 무과에 급제하여 보령현감에 재직할 당시 임진왜란이 일어나자 김천일, 최경희 장군과 더불어 진주성 싸움에서 투신 순절 하였으며, 경종 2년(1722)에 명정(命旌) 되었다. 건물은 1칸, 목조기와 팔작집이다.
"This "Jeongmun" was erected in order to pay a tribute of praise to the loyalty belongs to the late "Lee Euijeong " Esq. The late "Lee Euijeong", Esq who, as the 8th offspring of Lee Gyubo , Esq. in the late period of Goryeo Dynasty and the offspring of Jang, the so-called "Ijopanseo" of Joseon Dynasty, had family origin of Haeum, Yeoju and studied under the late Lee Yi, Esq. called "Yulgok". The late "Lee Euijeong " Esq., who was nominated as "Myeongjeong" under the 2nd year of King Gyeongjong's reign of Joseon Dynasty in 1722, sacrificed himself for his loyality together with General " kim Cheonil " and General "Choi Gyeongheui" at the battle of "Jinjuseong" at the outbreak of "Imjinwaeran"[meaning Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592] while he was "Boryeonghyeongam" in active service after passing the military service examination. This building, which includes two pillars in front is a wooden tile-roofed house called "Mokjogiwapaljakjib""